🐍 Some succulent stories selected by our staff:
🌳 Sylvia: Dominion (boardgame)
“I often evaluate a game based on the number of expansions it has and Dominion has DOZENS! A great game for strategists!
🦇 Jay: Batman/Fortnite: Foundation #1 (comic)
“The Batman/Fortnite mini-series from earlier this year was HUGE! This one-shot gives you more Batman Who Laughs AND a code for a Fortnite outfit!
🎭 Kyle: Boy Meets Maria vol. 1 (manga)
“Drama club member Arima keeps playing girl characters but that doesn’t mean they want to be seen as one. This read is a short journey through gender fluidity. LGBT friendly, for teens 16+.”
🌵 Blue: Tokidoki: Sandy (figures)
“They say cacti are easy to take care of, but that hasn’t stopped me from killing several. Thankfully these cactus-shaped cuties can’t die!